Tuesday, August 23, 2011

story girl earrings

*tiny romantic tales hanging delicately from your lobes*

::blue lace::

She wore slender blue lace in the dim light of her apartment.  The record player sang a song of romance as her long fingers carefully placed the unruly ringlets falling from their bun.
Just moments before they had been tangled limbs and linen as the voices drifted up from the sidewalk below.  Together they told stories of bravery + beauty.

::water droplets::
You crack a glass.
“Sorry” you say...
Liquid runs through pages of books.
I want nothing to be dry.

With a good book and apple in hand she made her way to her favourite rock.  She loved to run her hands over the intricate lace pattern of lichen covering its surface.
It sat beneath a tall pine and there, all around her, was the land and house she loved so much.
She was home.
 ::lilac morning::
Eager barefeet stretch to reach warm slice of sunlight on the floor as the sweet scent of lilacs waltzes over her window sill.
Lilacs remind us that, as sure as the seasons come and go, this too shall pass and the next moment has endless potential for hope, rebirth and beauty.

::moon hearts::

Sliced with care, she finally knew what the moon’s heart looked like...
Now, with them hanging delicately from her lobes she knew her feminine power...for a woman’s power lies in her gentleness.

go gently + be wonderful



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