Arr Captain |
be still my heart. |
looks like someone is telling a tall-tale |
Poppy reading aloud to us while I tidy for another showing |
a snack in the sun |
I do believe that a bad case of cabin fever has hit the house of the bird + gnome.
The days are long and we are running out of indoor activities to occupy our time.
Our feet long to play in the warm green grass
plant treasures in the garden
feel the friendly sun on our shoulders
let the wind braid our hair.
But I don't want to wish our time away so today I will record some of the little things that may be forgotten by the time the windows snap open and spring hops over the windowsill to shake us awake...
She was slow to speak our language though fluent in her own, but in the last 2 or 3 months has been braver with her words and has made old words fun again. Here are some of our favourites:
joots = juice
chico = silas
bitch = fish
belk = milk
chin-choo = thank you
gogo = yogurt
not to be confused with:
goga = yoga
mamatay = namaste
unch = lunch or bread
gock = clock
eeyoeeyoeeyo = eeyore
rat = rabbit
It would appear that she just realized she is, in fact, this Poppy person everyone keeps talking about. She points to herself with raised eyebrows and exclaims "Poppy!"
She builds her blocks up to her chin and then wants Silas to knock them over.
She loves asking us to draw apples, honey, pooh, dada, mama, baby, apple, owl, banana, and kitty on her chalkboard or paper over and over again.
She has known the colours of the rainbow {and then some} for months now, but likes to say them now and happily names the colours around the house and on our clothes.
Many times per day she will run into the kitchen and point at the ipod exclaiming "ay" "ay" meaning she wants to dance. And when she wants to dance it has to be Lady Gaga and it has to be loud {her favourite being telephone}.
She loves to watch Wheel of Fortune and yells out the letters with us and the contestants. She repeats the alphabet and numbers 1 to 10, but her favourite letter appears to be "J".
She loves to put a blanket over her head and wander around saying "where Poppy?"
She says "bye owl" when I close my baking cupboard where a ceramic owl holding the oats lives.
She knows her animals quite well but refuses to believe her rocking horse is anything other than a dow {cow} who says moo.
Silas is our happy sensitive boy who has been known to cry at sudden sneezes and funny sounds, but is getting more accustomed to the noises of this strange world. I can't decide if he is an old soul or a new one, but he is a gentle little man either way. He bats his eyelashes and has a grin that melts hearts though he rarely smiles for the camera.
He is sitting up quite well now and topples over a little less everyday.
He has been waking 5 to 8 times every night since he was born 5 1/2 months ago and seems to wake more now than when he was brand new. We introduced foods and he is willing, but not eager, to go for it like Poppy who took the spoon right out of my hand on her first try.
He adores everyone in his little family, and is quite taken with his firecracker sister who smooshes and squats him and gives lots of hugs and kisses {when not rifling a book or other hard object at his head. Oy.}
The days are long, but thank God for that.
her first family portrait {minus herself} which I labelled with her direction |
go gently + be wonderful